Sunday, November 18, 2007

Managing your classwork

Below is a comprehensive list of assignments for the WHOLE semester. Any work completed, or posted, between now and the end of the semester will be counted for partial credit and only help your final grade.

Blog Posts that count for credit:
Post 1 - Post 5 websites that you use on a regular basis. Make them links if you can.

Post 2 - Post one of images you scanned after scaling, optimizing and saving for web.

Post 3 - Answer the following questions: What is compression and why do we use it? What is the difference between lossy and lossless compression?

Post 4 - Take the scan (the one you posted last week) and apply a filter or a glazing layer on it to make it into a "background" image.

Post 5 - [you should have a classmates "one a day" from last week] Use the your selection tools to cut out an "object" and apply it to a new layer. Use the brush tool (opacity, textures and scale) to "recreate" the object on another layer (this was the day we used the fish)

Post 6 - [you should have a classmates "one a day" from last week] Use the complex selection processes we learned (extract, quick selection) to isolate, select and add an "object" from one of your online images (the images you are gathering for the "Documentation and Annotation" project) to the "One a Day" image you downloaded in class.

Post 7 - Post your Documentation and Annotation video here.

Post 8 - Post a link to your Documentation and Annotation Flickr or Photobucket site

Post 9 - Post an image of your flickr map that is a link to the flickr map OR embed your google map (again part of the documentation and annotation project)
Additional Assignments:
- Set up a file storage system of folders to use for the class

- Scan two images

- Start a "text edit" document to keep track of all of your user names and passwords

- Customize your blog colors (background, text, links, etc) by going to Template>Fonts and Colors tab.

- Have a minimum of 20 images on your flickr or other online photography management tool. They should all be tagged, named and commented. If your site does not have "comments" you must add, by using the URL image option, 5 images to your blog and comment on them there.

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