Sunday, August 26, 2007

Logging on in the LAB

To log on to the computer:
User name = Last Name SPACE First Name (i.e. warner meredith)
Password = your student number (look at your ID)

Welcome to Computer Apps

Welcome to BA 113 - Computer Applications. Just a few things to know for starters. First, this blog will catalog our class. On this site you will be able to access all material covered in class (in brief), lessons, tutorials, suggestions, projects and homework assignments. Additionally, you will be able to download and print much of the same information through IQweb.

What we will cover today:
  1. Syllabus
  2. File Storage
  3. OSX
  4. Homework

Friday, August 24, 2007

Suggestions on File Storage

Throughout the semester you will be required to collect and store many, many image files. If you are working on a lab computer, you will need a reliable way to transfer those files from the lab computer to your own laptop (or another reliable, long-term storage location.) Below I write about the possibility of a thumb drive. But if you have a laptop, and are looking to save money, you can think about using Drop Send for these purposes. Drop Send is an online storage service. It offers a free account with limited services, and pay account for more expanded services.

A great temporary option is a Flash, Jump or Thumb drive. A thumb drive will be handy for all of your classes and a quick, small, portable way to move files around. Make sure if you go to buy one that it is more than 700mb.

-If you are anticipating accumulating photos, video and audio files over the course of your time at Moore, I would suggest that you also purchase an External Hard Drive ( a minimum of 250G) with a firewire connection. (If you choose a USB1 connection for your external harddrive it will be a lot slower to save files, however the USB2 is a bit faster than USB1 and sometimes less expensive than a firewire) This will run about $150 and will have a plug on it for a power source. It will not be as portable because of this. Lacie makes a large model that does not require an external power source, but it will be more expensive. Find one that comes ready to use, with out the addition of any software to your computer and make sure it is MAC compatible.

Some places to shop:
CNET has great product reviews and price comparisons. Go here first to shop around.


This same set of keystrokes can be downloaded an printed from IQweb

F Keys

  • F9-shows all the windows that are open at once
  • F10-shows all the windows in the program that is in use
  • F11-pushes windows aside and makes the desktop available
  • F12 opens the dashboard
Command/Apple Keys

File Menu
  • apple q - quits the program
  • apple n- open new document that is in use
  • apple s- saves document that is in use
  • apple p- prints document that is in use
  • apple w- closes document

Edit menu
  • apple a- highlight all
  • apple c- copy's highlighted text or image
  • apple v-pastes highlighted text or image
  • apple x- cut and places in clipboard text or image
  • apple z- undo most recent command

  • apple 0 fits image to screen (but doesn’t change the size)
  • apple + or apple– increases and decreases image on screen
  • apple+shift+3 = screen capture
  • apple+shift+4 = highlights image and will save it as a jpeg file
  • apple delete = will send any highlighted file to the trashcan (in Finder)

Homework - Week 1

1. Decide upon a file storage system and have it set up and ready to go by the next class.

2. Setting up a Storage System:
- Create a system of folders to use for the class on your laptop, drop/send or thumb drive.
- Create a parent folder called “CA_Fall07” to contain all other folders and files.
- With in CA_Fall07, create a folder called “Images” to hold all raw data, photos, scans, etc.
- With in CA_Fall07, create a folder called “Projects,” to house all complete and in-process project.
- Create a Text Edit document to track all of your user names and passwords – name of your choice.

3. For our next class, bring with you to two images to scan. They can be from books, magazines, newspapers or hand drawn. Do not bring candid photographs or images printed from your computer. Content of the image is open. The image must be at least 3x5.